and your Thyroid
Why do
I feel so BLAH?, I am so bloated and
constipated, yet I eat well. My doctor says there is nothing wrong, but I don’t
know what to do. I am not old, but feel there
is no hope in getting back my OOMPH.
Many of
us in North America suffer with sluggish thyroids. The main reason is the ice age scraped away the
iodine that was in our soil and iodine is the main nutrient that our thyroid
needs to stay healthy and functioning.
When we
do not get enough iodine in our food, our thyroid will not give us the energy,
the healthy skin, hair and nails, the optimal IQ, the vibrant libido and
fertility or the healthy blood pressure and heart rate we need to stay on top
of our game.
We may
develop nodules, tumors and even cancers on the thyroid gland. Or the thyroid
may just stop working and we end up with a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease or
Goiter or Hypothyroidism.
the iodine is not available and your thyroid is starving, it may seek out a
“similar product” that is from the same family i.e. a halide. Fluoride, Chlorine and Bromine are halides
that we have in abundance in our environment, water, drugs and food. When the thyroid picks up one of these poisonous halides, it gets damaged.
fourth client I see in my clinic is on some kind of thyroid medication!
It is an epidemic.
But it
is easy to correct. Check your iodine
levels and if they are low, supplement with Lugol’s iodine and protect your
Quote this Blog and receive a "FREE IODINE TEST" in our office.